My thoughts on education:

My educational journey has been the typical “good kid” journey. I was part of the gifted & talented group of students & became Head Boy of my sixth form. Having said all of this, I moved out at 21, got married at 23, and wished I was told certain “life truths” that I know now. Education may do good in terms of getting the grades but it didn’t do well in preparing me for actual life…

How I teach:

I believe the pressure of Ofsted and exam results have caused teachers to focus heavily on passing exams (not the teachers' fault!). The way Id like to teach is by first teaching how to think/ learn and then applying it to any subject! At the same time, life doesn’t stop after exams so preparing for life after exams should go hand in had with getting an A*!


GCSE’S – 3 A*’s, 9 A’s, 2 B’s, 2 C’s
A-levels – A (Computer Science), B (Maths), C (Physics)
Degree – Computer Science

My thoughts on education:

Looking back on my own educational journey, I wish someone told me what I know now about; how to study, what to study, university, getting a job, saving money and many other aspects surrounding the life of a young adult. It took many wrong decisions and failures in my later school life for me to begin to explore different avenues of achievement. I believe children and young adults should be exposed to the best opportunities to achieve which was my reason for becoming a Primary School teacher.

How I teach:

Having grown and developed my teaching skills in the Primary Education sector, I have adopted a very hands on teaching style. I thoroughly enjoy and understand the benefits of teaching through song, repetition, pictures and various other visual aids. I strongly encourage and create opportunities for children to learn and master problem solving and conversational skills. This provides them with an idea of 'how' to learn rather than solely 'what' to learn


Degree – Primary Education