Should you follow your passion?
I get this dilemma often from students. They have passion X but they know they should go for a stable job. What should I do? Do I follow my passions, or should I just get a stable job? The blunt honest truth is everyone can’t follow their passion full time!
I don’t know one person who would say taking out bins is a passion, or fixing broken pipes is their passion, or cleaning windows is their passion but… without these jobs, our society would be broken! So, the truth is, most of us won’t be able to do our passions full time because there is a greater need to keep our society ticking!
However, you’ve probably noticed that when I say passion I keep adding ‘full time’, because another truth is, even if you are working a societal sustaining stable job, you can work on your passion and possibly develop another income from it! So in conclusion, I believe every person should have the skill sets for both! A job that benefits society and one that explores your passions. The best of both worlds! If you want more help finding out what you do contact us at
Money = Value
The biggest statement I want you to remember is … Money = Value.
Think about all you’ve paid for this week alone! You’ve never paid for anything you didn’t think had some sort of value. When things are expensive we’re angry because we don’t think there is enough value for the price they are asking. When things are cheap we’re excited because we know we are getting more value than they are asking. Money has everything to do with Value!
Why is this important? Because when people ask me how to make money, or how to make more money I always respond with… be more valuable! We are always looking for the ‘get rich quick’ schemes as an answer but if you want real lasting wealth… become valuable! How do you do it? Well we have a page where you can see the top skills the world is crying out for in 2023. Pick one or two, and begin learning the skills, applying the skills, specializing in the skills and very quickly you’ll find out that money will just naturally flow your way!
Little and often
There are 2 months before the exam season starts!! Now would be the time where people still think they have time to muck around. I would say now is the time you panic! Joking! Don’t panic but seriously, you haven’t got time! So, what do you do? Plan and execute!
First, go over every chapter you have in your syllabus, one chapter a day per subject (so if you’re studying 3 subjects then you’re doing 3 chapters a day, one per subject). If you do that Monday – Friday you should have gone through everything you need to know in a month.
What should I do every day? Either you go through the content and make mind maps, or you do practice questions or you find someone and teach them the topic, whichever makes the most sense for where you are at. Then the month of April… past paper mania! I will share how to make the most of past papers closer to the time but for now… get revising ! If you need help on how to revise and make it stick. Contact me on our website!